Keep that dirty pool clean following these steps in my DIY How to Easily Clean Your Wal-Mart Pool with Garden Hose & Water Vacuum Attachment video. This pool was a great purchase from Wal-Mart as I used it for 4 or 5 years. Honestly, I figured it would be a typical 1 season then toss it type of deal so I was impressed by how long it lasted. I actually was able to sell it for about 50 bucks. They are nice because they come with patch kits and cleaning accessories that you can really use. I never did have to patch it but once the hot season was over I made sure to clean it out well before storing, then stored it on a pallet fastened down with some rope and took apart all of the electrical and plumbing components and made sure they were stored in a dry place and kept segregated so I knew how to assemble it the following year. I recommend either setting this up on grass and/or a layer of sand underneath. Any rocks or jagged edges will be felt along the bottom once the weight of the water takes it's effect on the bottom.
Cleaning this pool is really easy and they made a nice attachment to hook up to your garden hose. It's the vacuum looking accessory. You thread in your garden hose and then tie the white filter bag around the exit port. I found it helpful to use extra banding to hold the bag on. You can use zip ties, rubber bands, hair ties, etc to do this. This will make sure the bag will stay on and withstand the pressure of the garden hose. It works well. You just run this thing along the bottom of the pool and once the bag gets filled up you secure the water and dump the bag out and repeat. The more you do this the better because if you wait too long to clean your pool the longer it takes to clean. If you have trees around those leaves and pine needles love to land in your pool. The screen with the pole attachment works well too especially for insect removal. The bees and insects love to land in the pool as well so this is a great accessory. Happy swimming and cleaning.
18' above ground pool link:
Wal-Mart Pool Assembly | Summer Escapes Brand | 18 Foot Diameter | Pool and Pump Step by Step
Wal-Mart 18' Diameter Summer Escapes Brand Pool Assembly. Above ground seasonal pool, easy storage. Step by step instructions for putting this together yourself. I store this on a pallet covered once I take it down. Before setting up your pool be sure to pick a flat piece of ground. Softer ground below the pool is better. If you must put it on a gravel driveway I recommend you put a nice layer of sand down underneath and put the below pool tarp down over that. This pool kit comes with a patch kit as well. I've had it for years and havn't had to patch it. I am only posting this video now as I had it in my archives but have used this pool for about 5 years. It's still a common one sold at Wal-Mart. It was easy to set up and take down. It comes with a nice pump and filter assembly which has never broken and has been run for numerous hours. Normally many of the items I've purchased like this at Wal-Mart havn't last very long as many of them are made cheaply in China, but surprisingly enough the thing held up and stood up to the abuse of years of kids and adults with no damage. It comes with a vacuum assembly that you hook up to your garden hose, which is a great design and used this for years as well.